Stachys byzantina

2 almost vloming cone and lambs ear May 29Stachys byzantina

Lambs Ears

This herbaceous perennial is soft and fuzzy, and silvery grey-green.  It is low-growing 6″ to 8″ inches tall and easy to grow as long as it has well-drained soil. It requires very little maintenance and tolerates a variety of weather and soil conditions. It’s a hardy, sturdy, plant that can be divided every few years. Really it should be divided ever so often as it can crowd itself out!  It’s easy to propagate by dividing the root ball or rooting a stem that is putting out roots.

Lamb’s ear flowers in late spring and early summer. The pale pink, violet or lavender flower spikes rise from 6″ to 10″ above the woolly base and attract bees and other pollinators. I don’t like the bloom and in the spring and early summer I keep them cut off.  By mid summer I let them bloom and the pollinators seem to appreciate it.  USDA Zone 4 to 9.


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